gateway to my garden |
bean patch |
I love my vegetable garden. We always plant tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and beans. I have 5 rows of beans this years and right now they are producing beautifully. Every other day I go out and pick all the beans that are mature. This amounts to about 2 ice cream buckets of beans. The next hour is spent sitting on my back deck snapping beans. From there it is into the kitchen for washing, blanching and freezing. So far I have 12 bags of beans in the freezer waiting for winter. One year I tried pressure canning my beans. It is a lot more work and I haven't decided if it is worth it except for the fact that they can sit on a shelf and not worry if the power goes off.
Last night Tucker was with me in the garden. He usually follows me everywhere I go. Anyway, he was slinking between rows and I wondered what he was up to. I discovered he had a branch from one of the bean plants in his mouth and a few beans hanging from it. It turns out he likes to eat raw beans. Now there is a dog with good taste!
We have also enjoyed fresh peas from the garden this year. They were planted by the previous owners and ready when we moved in. I have tried growing peas every year but for some reason I never have enough plants to provide more than a taste.
The zucchinis are starting to produce and hopefully the cucumbers and squash are not far behind. There are lots of flowers on the plants but on closer examination I find more males than females. Where have all the females gone?!? The best squash plant growing is one I didn't plant. It is in the compost pile and I think it is time to harvest a few squash.
yellow tomato |
My tomato plants are quite short this year. They have tomatoes on them and lots of blossoms but the actual plant is not more than 2 feet high. I remember a few years in Indiana where the plants were almost as tall as I was. I am looking forward to eating my first tomatoes of the season. I have 2 yellow tomatoes sitting in the windowsill waiting to ripen just a bit more. If you have never had the yellow tomatoes you should try them. The flavor is almost the same but the acidity is less. I like to serve both red and yellow together.