I also have collected the Kingdom and the Crown (Gerald Lund), Out of Jerusalem (H.B. Moore), Promised Land (David Woolley), Women of Genesis (Orson Scott Card) and of course the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites (Chris Heimerdinger) and a few other series. I have the beginnings Children of the Promise (Dean Hughes), The Great & Terrible (Chris Stewart) and Millennial Glory (Wendy L. Edwards). Again using my re-reading technique as the new volumes have come out.
And those are just my LDS novel series. I also collect books by Anne McCaffrey and her son - especially the Dragonriders of Pern, and Terry Brooks Shannara books.
I also have just tons of novels on my shelves (mostly LDS authors). I especially like have the LDS novels in my home because I know that the content will be clean and wholesome. My children love to read as well and I want to be sure that what they are reading is good literature.
Don't worry, novels are not the only books I read. I have shelves of Biographies and Autobiographies of the prophets and other prominent people in Church History. We have Mormon Doctrine, Gospel Doctrine, Jesus the Christ, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, and on and on and on.
That is just one wall in my library. I also have another huge bookshelf unit with books that are not by LDS Authors. These are great reads as well. And then there is the unit that has repair manuals, do it yourself books, gardening books, etc. And then there are boxes with books in the basement that I haven't even unpacked yet. Is it no wonder I needed a bigger house. Trouble is I have less bookshelves in this house, so I have to be more selective which books I keep out and which stay packed away.
And now my newest read - FINDING ROSE by Stephanie Humphreys. I have just started to read this one (on Chapter 3 now) but have heard such good reviews about it that I can hardly wait for some time to really get into it. And yes, it is by my sister-in-law. That doesn't make me prejudiced at all!!! I have ready many different authors so I think I am able to judge a good book when I read it. I know what I like and so far I like this one! I just wish I had been able to get a signed copy. Maybe I will have to ship it to Stephanie (when I'm done of course) and have her sign it and ship it back.