Monday, June 18, 2012

Another Merrill Wedding

So May was a busy month for us.  After our wonderful visit to Alberta in April we rushed home to finish getting ready for Talia's wedding. 

Yes that is 3, count them, 3 weddings in 3 years.  And my mother and sister have been here for all of them.  Gma Merrill made it to two and Ginamarie was here for two.  We wish Cody, Mimi and baby Hannah could have come but at least we got to visit them in Alberta.  I am so ready for the break in the action. Thank goodness Zach is only 15.

Here are a few shots of the lovely bride outside the Toronto Temple

the Bride and her Maids
check out the cowboy boots on the bride
Talia made her bouquet and the ones for the bridesmaids but the honour of making boutonnieres for the boys and corsages for the ladies was give to my wonderful sister Sheila.  As always she did a great job.

Ginamarie was able to decorate the cake for us.  Wow she is good.  

Gma Merrill is a great baby tender and story reader.  

Gma with Audrey and Gracie
Everyone looked beautiful

with 3 of my 4 princesses
Gracie Isabella Haw