Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I scream, you scream we all scream for ICE CREAM

Mmmm, ice cream. 

I'm not a big ice cream eater.  Its not that I don't like it, I just don't crave it like my husband does.  He would love a bowl of ice cream every night.  I usually save it for special occasions.  For his birthday I splurged and bought Kawartha Dairy ice cream, where the first ingredient is CREAM.  They had some wonderful flavours - white chocolate/raspberry, chocolate/peanut butter, royal gold, etc.  I thought it was a wonderful treat until last night.

Last night I had a heavenly ice cream experience.  We have a new ice cream shop in town and my visiting teachers decided it was time for a treat so to the ice cream shop we went.  If you have ever been to a Marble Slab Creamery you know what a pleasure trip it was.  The line up in the store was 30 people deep. They were still lining up behind us too.  Good thing the place is open until midnight!

For those who have never experienced a Marble Slab Creamery WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!?!?!?

There are so many flavours to choose from and so many toppings you could go every day in the summer and probably still not try all the combinations.   My first experiment was BIRTHDAY CAKE and SKOR bar in a waffle cone.  Mmmmm.  My VT's tried Key Lime with Graham Cracker and Swiss Chocolate and  raspberries. 

So when you place your order the server scoops your ice cream and places it on a scale.  Don't want to over or under serve your customer.  From there the ice cream is placed on a SLAB and your toppings added on top.  The ice cream and toppings are then blended together with a spoon and paddle until well mixed. Creating a smooth ice cream, just like you get when you stir your ice cream at home.  You then choose the kind of cone - plain waffle, dipped, etc. Or if you are on a diet (ha!) you can have it in a cup.  After that you eat and enjoy. 

So the next time you want to go out for ice cream, check and see if there is a Marble Slab near you. I know where I am going the next time my husband get the urge for some fancy ice cream.

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