When we bought the farm it came with the beginnings of an orchard. The front yard has 5 apple trees and a cherry tree. The birds got the cherries before we even had a chance. Four of the 5 apple trees have apples on them. Fruit trees are supposed to be sprayed every month to keep down the insects and fungus. We didn't do a very good job of that this year but we still got loads of apples. I can't really tell the difference between the apples, I just know that Freeman told me the two closest to the road are Northern Spy. They aren't very pretty on the outside but the inside is OK.

Tonight after supper I went down and picked a bag of apples. Then I got busy and made 4 apple pies. The smell in my house is yummy. I can't wait for Rod, Zach and Talia to get home so we can sample the pies from the Merrill Orchard. There are plenty of apples in my bag and still on the tree so I guess tomorrow night I will try my hand at apple crisp. Then there is apple sauce, apple pancakes, apple jelly, apple ..... Any suggestions what else I should make with my apples.
I am looking forward to next year when hopefully we will have even more fruit growing in the orchard - pears, plums, apricots, cherries (if I can keep the birds out). We have also discovered a crab apple tree but it was pretty wormy so we will probably try to spray it next year. What I would really like to find is a choke cherry tree. I have used up my last jar of choke cherry syrup and NEED to get more.
I can't believe how much work and fun it can be living out here. If it wasn't for the fact that I have to work to pay for this place I would just stay home and bake and can my produce. It is a wonderful feeling when you can go out to the garden and pick your food for the table. And then to send fresh and canned produce home with your kids.
I am so thankful for my wonderful home.
Mmmmmm Apple Crisp is so delicious. And Apple pie too. Sounds like living on farm is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for your generosity Momma. You make "living off the land" fun and have actually made me want to start my own garden (perhaps at your house for now though). I cant wait for next years fruit produce! I will even help you bake/can :)