Monday, August 15, 2011

Gamma come roll with me!

I love my grand kids.  They add so much to our lives. And they are so darn cute!!!!!

On Saturday Gracie and Sydney came to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa while their parents went out for dinner.  First place they headed was the paddock to visit with the horses.  After greeting Winston and Jasper and sharing a few treats with them it was time to go see what Grandpa was up to on the tractor. 

We watched Grandpa use the tractor to pull the T-posts out of the ground and Uncle Zach got to drag them back to the pile to be used another day.  As you know, a one-year old and a three year old have short attention spans so watching the tractor only took up about 5 minutes of our time.

Gracie soon discovered that the lawn beside the driveway has a slope to it and decided to roll down the hill.  Then she tried the hill on the other side of the driveway. Then back to the first hill.  After about 3 times she said "Gamma, do you want to roll down the hill?"  I thought about it for just a second or two and then decided that YES, I want to roll down the hill.  And I did.  It was fun.  I had forgotten how fun it is to roll down the hill.  Even though our hill was quite small it was enough to remind me of how fun it is to be a kid.

Now I am on the look out for a large hill. Anyone want to join me rolling down a hill?  It will drive away all your unhappiness and bring you child like joy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

the new boys in my life

Well, it is official.  We have adopted two new boys into our family.  Their names are Winston and Jasper. Winston is only 4 and Jasper is 10. They are both redheads. Jasper's hair is quite thick and flowing.  Winston is quite tall for his age and Jasper could lose a little weight but we love them.  The boys are getting along quite nicely and don't mind sharing a room.  They love to eat and have their hair brushed daily.  They love to run around barefoot and play in the grass. They both love treats and attention.  Jasper has been known to pull ponytails so watch out.

Meet our new boys!



coming for treats

sharing a room