Tuesday, May 24, 2011

rain rain go away

It's a rainy day, it's a rainy day.
It's raining outside and I can't go out and play.
Why do we need the rain anyway?

Ok, I know how important the rain is but enough is enough.  A week of rain and only 9 hours of sunlight isn't fun.

The farmers are anxiously waiting for the rain to stop and the fields to dry up so they can get in there and plant their fields.  Some of the puddles in the fields are large enough that the ducks and geese are swimming in them.

Here it is the May 24 weekend and I won't be putting in my garden.  If the weather man is correct Saturday will be our first and only day of sunshine this week.  I need to get my garden rototilled before I can even think of planting anything.  The whole thing is full of weeds (mostly dandelions) and grass.  That is except for the rows of raspberries, rhubarb and asparagus.  Need to be careful when we rototill that we don't get too close to the asparagus.

And then there is my paddock fence that has 3/4 of its posts done but on hold because the last few holes are full of water. Between the high water table and the continuous rain I don't know if the holes will ever drain. The longer it takes to finish the fence the longer I have to wait for horses.  Talia and I are getting anxious and concerned.  This is our dream and it is on hold again.  Come on SUNSHINE.

My 300 little trees are enjoying the rain and growing nicely but so is the grass beside them.  Last week I spent 2 hours mowing the grass around the trees so that you could actually see them and they wouldn't get too choked out and now I need to get out there again.  All I need is some sun to dry off the grass so I don't get soaked.

UPDATE:  The rain held off on the weekend and we were able to rototill the garden. Needs one more time to get the soil just right and then we can plant.  4 more posts are in the ground but there is still a large wet area that needs to dry up before we can put the cedar posts in.  May have to put T posts in until the ground drys out - hopefully before next year.  Mowing is done around the little trees.  They are still tiny but they are growing. Too bad the grass is growing faster than the trees. 

1 comment:

  1. Rain is no fun eh!? Especially when it is suppose to be spring out! Hope you guys get some amazing weather soon :)
