Monday, August 9, 2010

Smells I love

There are so many smells out there in the world.  Some make you gag - like skunk, rotten vegetables, dirty diapers, stinky shoes, wet dog, etc.  Others make you feel happy and bring comfort. I much prefer the happy smells.

Some of the smells that make me happy are:
fresh mowed hay or grass
new born babies
roast cooking in the oven
the air after a rain storm
laundry hanging on the line

We have always had a clothesline.  Up until we moved we have used the umbrella style.  Out on the farm we have the long line for hanging out the laundry.  I love this style the best.  The clothes are able to wave in the wind and they dry faster. There have been days when the first load is dry before the second load is on the line.  OH, the smell of clean laundry.  It smells like fresh air and sunshine.  Sometimes I will hang up blankets even if they haven't been washed just so they can get that fresh air and sunshine smell.  I have even pulled blankets out the the closet months later and can still get a wiff of that wonderful smell.  It is especially great if it happens when the weather is cold and you can still smell summer. 

1 comment:

  1. Every thing looks so green. I wish I had a clothes line. I really enjoy your blogs. Maybe you could write a book.
